Tuesday 27 September 2016



The TOEFL iBT Exam does not have a dedicated “Vocabulary” section – However, there are questions in The Reading Section and in The Listening Section that test one’s ability to comprehend vocabulary with-in the context of a written or spoken piece.  Also, the level of vocabulary a person uses in his or her answers during The Speaking and Writing Sections of the exam, will be taken into account when scoring those answers. Therefore, the test-taker should have at least an Intermediate level of vocabulary knowledge and skills – and, of course, it is a good idea to expand one’s vocabulary in preparation for the exam – however, this is a “controversial” subject

Yes, I know… grammar sucks…  but so does a vacuum cleaner.  And with a vacuum cleaner you can clean up your house, so that when people come over it isn’t filthy, gross and disgusting.  With a clean house, you will have MILLIONS of friends who will all want to spend all of their time with you…  and give you things…  and they’ll say, “Boy oh boy, that guy/girl there, sure has excellent vacuuming skills…  I mean grammar!  We should give him/her a lot of money!”  And all of this will be yours because of good vacuuming… I mean grammar.


… “because without it, we’re no better than the idiots who leave posts on YouTube”

Justin Biber Testamonial - GiveMeSomeEnglish!!!
“Before I learned English Grammar, I was stupid, ugly, and nobody liked me…  Now I have tons of boyfriends, and I’m the most popular girl at my school!  And I owe everything I have to English Grammar…
Hey Gurrrl!!!”
Riff Raff Testamonial - GiveMeSomeEnglish!!!
“I used to drink Slizzurp and wrestle with the monkeys in my closet…  Now, I’ve recently been given a 12-million dollar record deal, and it’s been rumored that I’m sleeping with Katie Perry…  Thank You English Grammar”
Azis Testamonial - GiveMeSomeEnglish!!!
“My name is Azis.  I’m the biggest celebrity in Bulgaria.  Most people here are still very homo-phobic so they say that I’m not really gay, but that it’s all just an act…  Thanks English Grammar.  I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Thanks Justin, Riff-Raff, and Azis…  I think you all know, that we’ll be here for you, any time that you need to take your English learning to the next level.   But in case the rest of you out there are wondering what English Grammar can do for you – just think about this…”

          The English language has become The Common Tongue throughout the world – for Business, Education, Politics, Organized Crime, Child Exploitation in the Music and Film Industry, and Commercial Jingles for many of the dangerous consumer products that you have in your home.
          Therefore it is essential to know (at least) the basics of English Grammar.  In other words, it’s not enough to learn how to speak from watching popular movies, and TV shows, or by learning from the popular music of today (even though that’s how most of American’s youth learn it)…  The fact is, those are probably the WORST ways to learn English Grammar.
          This is mainly because most native speakers are not only complete idiots (I’m speaking of the youth of today and the people who are supposed to be teaching them of course), but they don’t really give a shit about the fact that they have incredibly little knowledge of proper English Grammar, and thus completely deserve any and all derogatory stereotypes that are spoken of them about their lack of grammatical skills.

For more information, please call 0723560652, 0790830473 or email contact us -moonseducation@gmail.com.or
visit us

Moons Education consultants
suite#12, 4th floor
commerce House (next to Kenya cinema)
Moi Avenue, Nairobi

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